Good morning, PGP fans. This
week I am happy to present part 3 of my article thread discussing some of the
more advanced X-wing Miniature aspects. Click here if you'd like to review Part 1 and Part 2. Today's article will cover the use of Subterfuge & Mind Games. First, we'll
look at how subterfuge applies to X-wing game play. Then we'll discuss how to use it in
both squad building and facing your opponent. I hope by the end that you
will have a couple new ideas on how to add some flavor to your game play and how
to catch unsuspecting opponents flat-footed.
Subversive Tactics

tactics are straightforward and that is both their strength and weakness. For
example, if you take Assault Missiles then it is very clear that you want splash
damage. Your opponent will know this and will have to split up his formations
or suffer the consequences. But other upgrade cards are a little more...sneaky.
What do you plan on doing with that Proximity Mine? Lock down a lane between asteroids? Dump it on the face of a higher PS enemy? Or trap a chaser trying to
flank you? To be subversive, you want to take upgrades that can fulfill
multiple roles.
TIE Bomber w/ Scimitar Pilot - 21 points
Versatile Strategies

Scyk w/ Serissu - 24 points

B-wing w/ Blue Pilot - 28 points
main point of having a versatile squadron is that you have more options. You
want to be able to react to what your opponent has brought to the table, rather
than just stubbornly going ahead with what you already planned. And if you play
your squad correctly - as well as your tells - then you can convince your
opponent you are flying rigidly when instead you are fluid and can catch them
off guard.
Mind Games

start off by discussing one-shot items. These upgrades are some of the best for
mind games. The reason for this is that even though you only get to use it
once, it is always a threat while you still have it. If you equip Adrenaline Rush then
your opponent knows that you will be making a surprise red move at sometime.
But when? Since they don't know they have to answer a question: is it safe to
fly aggressively and hope for the best, or should I be more conservative
until the one-shot is used?

the same can be said of Lightning Reflexes, Advanced Homing Missiles, Boba Fett
crew, and many others. Use them to strike fear into the heart of your enemy! Find a combo that appeals to your tastes and gives
you an advantage in-game. Then practice it long and hard so you are confident
you can pull it off in the competitive scene.
A-wing w/ Tycho Celchu - 28 points
Test Pilot
next part of playing mind games is doing things that make your opponent work
harder. If we put a Targeting Astromech on Hobbie then we have a powerful combo.
But it is quite easy for your opponent to guess that Hobbie will pick K-turns
and so they will plan accordingly. To get some subterfuge going we need to
create combos that really make our opponents think.

T-70 w/ Poe - 38 points
way you go about it, whether in the way you fly or the upgrades you pick, mind
games can really thrown other players. The name of the game of X-wing is to outmaneuver
enemy ships. But more often than not that process starts by you first outwitting your
Good Sportsmanship
small caveat before I finish. Playing mind games in X-wing does not mean that
you rudely hinder your opponent, for example by rushing them. This kind of
conduct is expressly stated in X-wing rules as both cheating and
unsportsmanlike conduct. If your opponent makes a mistake it should be from
their own error. Perhaps they are nervous in a game and forget to use an
ability in its designated time window. That's fine. But players shouldn't push the
game forward with the intention of rushing opponents past time windows. Remember to be
competitive but to ultimately fly casual!
As I've said before, it is
important to remember that advanced skills, like subterfuge, are minor compared to essentials
ones like ship flying and squad building. If you are just starting out, make
sure to get your head square on your shoulders with the basics and then try
branching out. Once you do, these subtle mind games can add a great fun and
flavor to your X-wing matches. It is one of the main reasons why I keep
playing. What are some of your greatest moments of pulling a fast one on your
opponent? Let me know in the comments below. I hope you enjoyed this article
and have a great week of flying!