Horton Salm appears in the 6th episode of Star Wars as Grey Leader in the battle of Endor (where he doesn't have that ridiculous mustache as seen in the comics, haha). Grey 1 and several other fighters followed General Calrissian into the heart of darkness to destroy the second Death Star. But when threatened by pursuing Ties, Horton broke off and followed Jake Farrell to draw enemy fire. Sorry boys, you'll get the glory for the next large explosion, promise.
After running a probability
simulator, I found that the average result rolling 4 attack dice is 2 hits/crits,
1 focus, and 1 blank. Using protons torpedoes turns one 1 focus into a critical
- probably "smart bomb" tech - bringing the total average hits to 3. But when you are flying a Rookie pilot, a 3 hit torpedo is not enough to
consistently break the agility of Tie Fighters, even without the added range 3
defense die. In contrast, Horton's reroll ability makes up for any blank rolls,
which effectively gives you a target lock after you already spent it. His only
weakness is focus results, but again, this is mitigated by the proton torpedoes
themselves. And with two torpedo slots on a Y-wing there is good potential for
some heavy damage.
But so what? Horton can
successfully get 4 hits on a consistent basis at range 3. So can my Blue Squad
B-Wing with a heavy laser cannon, plus it has more shields and it costs less.
If those were the only factors, then yes, I would take the B-wing every time.
But the added points of Horton give you something the HLC can't: criticals.
Unless you are very unlucky, torpedoes will always have a
critical hit. Couple this with Horton's high probability of getting 4 hits and we
have a exceptional chance for the critical to push through and give early, nasty
damage to unshielded targets. And after the alpha strike, honestly, both he and
a B-wing would be high priority targets and get focused on. A range 1 Horton or
HLC are quite useless to us, so why not get those early critical when you can?
To summarize, Horton Salm does a
magnificent job at overcoming most of the risk of using ordnance. He is a bit
more expensive then some heavy-hitter ships but he is well worth the points
for what he can do. This build works well with my play style and I have a lot of fun flying him. I hope that
you will too.
B-wing w/
Blue Squadron Pilot & HLC...29 points
Y-wing w/
Horton & 2 Proton Torpedoes...33 points
Y-wing w/
Horton, Proton Torpedo, Extra Munitions, & Auto-Turret...33 points
coupon squad shopping...Priceless.
I call
Horton the Grey Knight because I was testing out a build that ran him with as a Green Squad A-wing with Draw Their Fire. I called it the Knight
Squad because it reminded me of a Knight and his trusty Squire. But I soon
found that A-wings do not excel at soaking damage or at keeping pace with
Y-wings. So I dropped the squire and kept the Knight.
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